
Sandwiched was performed June 7th through the 15th at EPAC in Endicott, NY


Download the Playbill Here.

Synopsis of the show below, see photographs of rehearsals.

“Sandwiched” is based on a true story about a ‘baby boomer’ (Bonnie) who is caught between needing to help her aging parents and feeling she has to provide some assistance to her adult children. An ‘only child’, Bonnie struggles throughout the play to challenge the demands made on her by family members. She is not thanked for the help she provides but is criticized when she tries to withdraw support.

The setting is in the present time and is reflective of the political and economic conditions of today. Both the elder and younger generations express and defend their respective positions about how they are handling life in light of current circumstances. Care of the aging is a sub theme. Humor relevant to the situation is sprinkled throughout the play.


Here is the cast and director hard at work during a rehearsal.





As they say – ‘A picture is worth a thousand words’. This topic is current and relevant to nearly every family these days. This is a show you want to see!

Why is this Play Important?

  • “Sandwiched” is written from the perspective of an older woman and we need to see and hear more from this demographic group in the performing arts.
  • It talks about what takes place in many families today.
  • This play will resonate with all of us who are sandwiched with the needs of the aging members of our families and our children. Should we sacrifice our needs?


Who Will Want to See This Play?

  •  Everyone with family issues.


Comments About “Sandwiched”:

“Sandwiched” is based on a true story.

Comments from the public.

  • “My mother was an alcoholic and her life habits were gradually going to kill her but nothing we could do would prevent the progression – and of course it never happens as you would imagine”
  • “My daughter’s incredibly kind and non-judgmental. She accepts people and sticks up for the ‘little guy.” She will speak up for justice. She tries too hard to please her children – I wish she’d separate herself from them (her adult children) more.”
  • “I wish I had said some of Bonnie’s lines to my family.”
  • “ After my father died it was like my mother became free. She connected with a man and we knew he was not good for her, but she had to have her ‘bad boy’ experience. She joined him anyway but he was an alcoholic and eventually my sister and I had to go up to Canada and rescue her.”
  • “I remember when I was a little girl (woman of about 20 now) and my grandmother came to live with us because she was sick. We kids had to do all this work around the house now because my mother had to take care of grandma. My mother had a brother, but my grandmother never went there to live. I always wondered why my uncle never took grandma and we had to do all the work.”
  • (A young woman who was born in China) “My parents argue just like the two older people in your play. When I call my parents my mother always tells me she is going to divorce my father as soon as my brother gets out of school. I don’t know what to say to her. Every time I call home it’s the same conversation. What should I do?”
  • “Thank you for doing this play.”
  • “It reminds me about what happened to my father.”
  • “I never realized what it’s like to have to help your parents and your children because I don’t have any children, it was an eye opener.”
  • “Everybody should see this play.”